Finance Leadership Blog

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How to Navigate Equity Dilution in Start-ups founders fundraise risks start-ups & fast growth businesses strategy Jul 25, 2024

Understanding Equity Dilution

Equity dilution occurs when a company issues new shares, reducing the ownership percentage of existing shareholders.

This is a common occurrence in start-ups,...

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Understanding Equity Fundraising for Start-ups founders fundraise start-ups & fast growth businesses Jul 11, 2024

Equity fundraising is a key part of growing a start-ups.  It's how start-ups and scale-ups raise capital by selling shares of the company.

This method is particularly popular among fast-growth...

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How Finance Leaders Help Founders Create Effective Pitch Decks finance leadership founders fundraise start-ups & fast growth businesses strategy Jun 20, 2024

Creating a compelling pitch deck for a start-up is critical for obtaining capital investment.

As a finance leader, your role extends beyond crunching numbers; and you can contribute to creating a...

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Grants and Incentives: Overlooked Financial Opportunities for Start-ups budgeting founders fundraise start-ups & fast growth businesses treasury Nov 24, 2023

For start-ups extending your cashflow runway where possible is critical.  So identifying and leveraging financial opportunities is crucial.

While the UK R&D tax credit has been a...

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The New KPIs: Navigating Start-up Metrics in a Changing Economy founders fundraise kpis start-ups & fast growth businesses Nov 10, 2023

In 2022, the venture capital landscape experienced a big shift.

With venture capital funding down by 35% and the end of near-zero interest rates, the macroeconomic environment surrounding start-ups...

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Understanding CAC and LTV: The Dynamic Duo of Start-Up Metrics budgeting founders fundraise kpis Nov 03, 2023

In the high-stakes world of start-ups, understanding the language of your business's financial health is not just important – it's crucial for survival and growth.

Two acronyms that are...

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Equity Financing vs. Debt Financing: Which is Right for Your Start-up? founders fundraise treasury Oct 13, 2023

Navigating cash runway and having enough funds to not only survive by thrive is a crucial task for founders and finance leaders, particularly when it comes to the pivotal decision of...

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What to include in a Dataroom finance leadership founders fundraise Feb 06, 2023

I don’t know about you, but now in early 2023, I’m not preparing for as many big fundraising rounds as I was this time last year.

However, I’m still preparing for top-up rounds...

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